Creates a new instance with the given 32-byte key.
nonceByte length of nonce that is used with this AEAD.
tagByte length of authentication tag included in the sealed ciphertext. Result of seal() will be longer than plaintext for this number of bytes.
Authenticates sealed ciphertext (which includes authentication tag) and associated data, decrypts ciphertext and returns decrypted plaintext.
draft-irtf-cfrg-xchacha-01 defines a 24 byte nonce (192 bits) which then uses the first 16 bytes of the nonce and the secret key with Hchacha to generate an initial subkey. The last 8 bytes of the nonce are then prefixed with 4 zero bytes and then provided with the subkey to the chacha20poly1305 implementation.
If authentication fails, it returns null.
If dst is given (it must be the size of plaintext + the size of tag length) the result will be put into it. Dst and plaintext must not overlap.
associatedData: Uint8ArrayOptional
dst: Uint8ArrayEncrypts and authenticates plaintext, authenticates associated data, and returns sealed ciphertext, which includes authentication tag.
draft-irtf-cfrg-xchacha-01 defines a 24 byte nonce (192 bits) which uses the first 16 bytes of the nonce and the secret key with HChaCha to generate an initial subkey. The last 8 bytes of the nonce are then prefixed with 4 zero bytes and then provided with the subkey to the ChaCha20Poly1305 implementation.
If dst is given (it must be the size of plaintext + the size of tag length) the result will be put into it. Dst and plaintext must not overlap.
associatedData: Uint8ArrayOptional
dst: Uint8Array
XChaCha20-Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data.
Defined in draft-irtf-cfrg-xchacha-01. See