ignoreIf true, ignore extra data at the end of the source buffer. Otherwise, decoder throws an error if extra data is detected.
To get the number of extra bytes left, use undecodedLength.
By default, false.
noIf true, instead of copying byte arrays return subarrays into CBOR buffer.
By default, false.
strictIf true, allow only string and number keys for maps. Throw if encountered any other type.
By default, false.
taggedTagged object decoders.
By default, DEFAULT_TAGGED_DECODERS, which converts tagged Tags.DateString and Tags.DateNumber to Date and Tags.RegExp to RegExp objects.
Pass empty array to disable tagged decoders.
uniqueIf true, map keys must be unique (after conversion to string). Throw if encountered duplicate keys.
By default, false.
Specifies options for decoder.